Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Chicken Foot // February 6, 2016

So with half the house down and out with a head cold, Jess and I decided to head out for the day and explore a new zone.  Every time we are heading south on I-75 there is one line that always stands out high up above Murdock Creek.  It has three distinct chutes dropping in off the ridge, all coming together about 1/3 of the way down.  Around here it is known as the Chicken Foot.  Having been looking at this line for the last two months we decided that Saturday was the day to check it out.

Jess taking temperatures in the pit
When were skiing just about everyday, I do not have the motivation to get started really early in the morning.  The sun doesn't rise until 8:00 am and its generally cold until 9 or 10am.  With this morning being no exception, we had a relaxing start and didn't arrive to the trailhead until 10 am.

With warm temperatures and clear skies from the day before, the southerly slopes had been baked and now held a brutal crust for skinning.  Going from breakable to bulletproof, going was slow to start.  After about two hours we finally hit the ridge, where the views got better and the snow improved; spirits were high as we sat looking out over the valley eating lunch.

After 3 1/2 hours the drop in came into view and we decided to check the snowpack on a similar aspect before heading up.  Although this line doesn't carry the consequences of some steeper lines, we wanted to see how reactive the layer from 1/13 was as well as to practice our technique.  No matter how many times I dig and look at the snow, I feel that each time I get a little more efficient and learn a little more.

Jess getting ready to drop
After poking around for the better part of an hour, the snowpack looked solid, we finished the walk to the top and dropped in.  Although it wasn't blower powder, it was a beautiful line and I can never complain about first tracks down 2000' of vertical!

Jess ripping down!

The trip took about 6 hours car to car and it couldn't have been a better day.  After so many short shots around this area it felt good to have an objective, do one long climb and nail the conditions.  Hopes for many more to come!

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